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Published: 26 January, 2025

Emergency 4 / 911 First Responders Zoom Hack, Widescreen Fix & WASD keys tutorial

Config edits to keep the game experience up-to-date

This tutorial covers config files edits for Emergency 4 / 911 First Responders to make the gameplay suit modern expectations.


If you want to download the files with config edits instead of editing them yourself, you can find a link to my GitHub page here.


In the tutorial steps below I will be using relative paths to make the guide more adaptable as there are various types of the game that can be installed.

Below are a list of common defualt installation paths: 911 First Responders (STEAM): C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\911 First Responders

Emergency 4 (STEAM): C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Emergency 4

Emergency 4 (RETAIL CD 32-BIT): C:\Program Files\Sixteen Tons Entertainment\Emergency 4

Emergency 4 (RETAIL CD 64-BIT): C:\Program Files (x86)\Sixteen Tons Entertainment\Emergency 4

Widescreen Fix

The default resolutions available in the game's options menu are limited to 4:3 resolutions only. In order to get widescreen/HD resolutions you need to edit the games main config file.

File to edit: [ROOT_PATH]/em4.cfg

Values to edit (change your values to the below "value="):

    <var name="r_xres" value="1920" />
    <var name="r_yres" value="1080" />

Zoom Hack

The "Zoom Hack" refers to a config edit that gives you additional zoom capabilities in the game. You can get closer to the action but also further away.

File to edit: [ROOT_PATH]/em4.cfg

Values to edit (change your values to the below "value="):

    <var name="e4_mincampitch" value="15" />
    <var name="e4_mincamz" value="10." />
    <var name="e4_maxcampitch" value="80." />
    <var name="e4_maxcamz" value="5000" />

WASD Key Binding

Due to it's age, the game uses arrow keys as it's primary camera movement keys. This can be awkward when using the mouse & is not the expected flow in modern gaming. The game has no way of remapping keys without editing the config files.

To change up, left, down & right arrow keys to WASD follow the below steps.

File to edit: [ROOT_PATH]/Data/Specs/keys.xml

Values to edit (change your values to below "value="):

    <binding key="Keyboard0.D" action="Right" />
    <binding key="Keyboard0.A" action="Left" />
    <binding key="Keyboard0.W" action="Up" />
    <binding key="Keyboard0.S" action="Down" />
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